Business Case: Space Planning in Retail — indoorvu

Business Case: Space Planning in Retail


A retail bank company wanted to redesign their branches to optimize their layouts for employee experience and customer satisfaction.  They had hundreds of branch locations, but not all of them had good floor plan data.  They needed a scalable solution that could deploy all over the country and produce consistent results.  They also wanted to have flexibility in the level of detail they could extract on a branch by branch basis.  


IndoorVu configured resources to collect data across all branch locations that needed data, approximately 50 sites across a dozen states in the US.  The teams spent just over an hour in each branch, hardley impacting the operations of the branch.  The Intelligent Imagery that was collected and produced enabled IndoorVu to quickly create complete 2D geo-referenced floor plans for all the buildings, plus 360 imagery to provide context and additional visual detail.  

IV Portal: Floor Plans, 360 Imagery

IV Portal: Floor Plans, 360 Imagery


The Bank’s space planning team was able to create a standardized process for assessing and redesigning their spaces.  The IndoorVu Portal was a single web-accessed application that the Bank’s teams could remotely access.  They were able to make rapid, educated decisions about the spaces and the level of effort to achieve the new designs. The Bank also now has a foundation for detailed 3 Dimensional mapping and modeling for future improvements and changes to the branches as they need.